Blekinge Study verk av Dalia Mikonyte och Adomas Zudys

Dalia Mikonytė and Adomas Žudys

Dalia Mikonytė and Adomas Žudys work as a duo. Dalia Mikonytė is a photographer and researcher. She works with different themes such as personal experiences, feminism, identity and representation or signs and reality. Adomas Žudys mostly works with 3D-graphics and design, video mapping, street art projects, murals and stencils.

Together they have developed a photogrammetry based project about the cities of Europe. Photogrammetry is a technique that mixes photography and 3D-graphics. Merging moving images and synthetic sounds Dalia and Adomas create virtual and surreal cityscapes. By editing the models, introducing “glitch” aesthetics and glue different building facades together, surreal and ephemeral perspectives of city landscape are formed. Together they create a collage of fragmented memories of cities. They call themselves Collectors of the Cities. During the residence A.I.R. Blekinge 2018 they expand their art project internationally. Their aim is to spread the idea of forgotten values and futuristic views in innovative and post-contemporary way.

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#30 A.I.R. Blekinge 2018 -EN ÅTERBLICK Länk till annan webbplats.

Blekinge Study verk av Dalia Mikonyte och Adomas Zudys

Presentation of the video installation by Dalia Mikonyte, Adomas Žudys & Pijus Džiugas Meižis:
Blekinge Study during the symposium Digital Urbanism November 15-16th 2018 at Blekinge Institute of Technology.

In the evening there will be a Live performance by Dalia Mikonyte, Adomas Žudys and Pijus Džiugas Meižis.

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#61 Blekinge Study - PLX Tjärö 2022 Länk till annan webbplats.