Aktuellt om konst i Blekinge
Walking Vaskjala traveler letter från Sepa Sama
Ett resebrev från en residensvistelse inom projektet art eco system.
Här kan du se några fotografier och läsa ett resebrev från Sepa Sama som under mars månad är på residensvistelse på Copper Leg Art Residency i Estland. Vistelsen arrangeras genom Konst i Blekinges arbete med Östersjöländerna och projektet Art Eco System.
Copper Leg Art Residency
Copper Leg Art Residency drivs av konstnären Janno Bergman och är beläget i byn Vaskjala i en gammal skolbyggnad nära Tallinn och har på några år arbetat upp ett spännande och intressant residens för bildkonstnärer och andra kulturutövare.
Vandringar under residensvistelsen
Sepa Sama bor till vardags i Karlshamn och ska nu i vår presentera sin konstnärliga avhandling på Konstakademien i Wroclaw. Under stipendievistelsen arbetar han vidare med vandring som konstnärlig metod. Ett urval av de miljoner fotografier han tagit under sina vandringar blir en del av hans avhandling. Så småningom kommer också Blekingeborna kunna ta del av hans arbete. Om du blir nyfiken att höra mera i närtid kan du lyssna på hans föreläsning från Riga online i maj (se nedan).
Östersjösamarbeten och residensutbyten
Konst i Blekinge utvecklar det regionala konstlivet genom fortsatta utbyten med Östersjöländerna. Stipendievistelsen är en del av projektet Art Eco System som är ett projekt som möjliggjorts genom stöd av Kulturrådet. A.I.R. Blekinge inbjuder varje år konstnärer verksamma i Östersjöländerna och konstnärer i Blekinge till vistelsestipendier, med långsiktiga samarbeten som mål.
Sepa Sama – walking as artistic practise
Sepa Sama is an independent artist focusing on walking as artistic research.
Sepa is from the diaspora, a nomad that has lived in Asia, America, and Europe.
Currently, Sepa is finishing his Ph.D. at ASP Wroclaw in Poland, focusing on walking. In Estonia, Sepa is writing a traveler letter, Walking Vaskjala Traveler Letter, 2022, that ties back to both diaspora and nowness.
Contact: @HomeWhenWalking
Walking Vaskjala Traveler Letter
For the residency I am making a traveler letter book which is called, Walking Vaskjala Traveler Letter.
I have already taken more than 3000 photos believe it or not and that is a new record for me. So the photos would be from this journey and the writings would be from my memory and studies on walking and feminism. This is roughly the content of the book: Flag, Introduction and Challenge, Standing Closet, Feminist Contemplations, Her Room is Empty, Skipping the Match Class Walk, Arlanda is my New Home, The Walk from Vaskjala to Tallinn. You will be Heard, Bibliography and Photography Note.
So Her Room is Empty. I am writing about the Ukrainian artist who could not make it. It is less likely that she will make it but hopefully if she does I will write about her journey. So this part is waiting for her.
The book would be mainly photos with short texts as much as I can write and edit.
I am making the book on the Google Slides to be digitally available for free with ease with a link and I already got an ISBN. This book deals both with diaspora and nowness, absence, and presence.
This is how the book begins
The Iranian/American professor and author Azar Nafisi said that a book needs 3 years to write, and she is right. I did this book in 3 weeks, so please forgive my shortcomings and enjoy the traveler letter; this is the 12th book I worked on. And it’s my 1st traveler letter.
When I instantly became a refugee, the first thing I did was destroy my closet full of handwritten notes and film photos. Then I filled my suitcase with traveler letters to Iran by people like you (referring to my supervisor at the Art Academy in Wroclaw, Professor Aleksandra Janik, a traveler). I never thought that one day I would work on one. /Sepa Sama
Work in progress
Lecture in Riga
Sepa Sama will give a lecture: ”Walkthrough Slides of Notes on Walking” during the conference on Artistic Research: Various Fields, Approaches, Experiences (Riga, May 5-7) in the field of Artistic research in audio-visual art.