AIR Blekinge 2019

Julita Wójcik och Jacek Niegoda (PL), Katarzyna Pagowska (PL) and Taavi Suisalu (EE).

  • Julita Wojcek and Jacek Niegoda

    Julita Wójcik är en av Polens mest kända konstnärer och hon arbetar med aktioner och installationer. Hon har fått många priser för sin konst, bland annat för verket ”Regnbågen” i en rondell i Warszawa som blev mycket omdebatterat för några år sedan.

  • Katarzyna Pagowska

    Katarzyna Pagowska

    In her motivation to the residency Katarzyna Pagowska writes that she would like to embrace the unique socio-geographical setting of the Blekinge archipelago and the traditions and identities of the islands. Katarzyna Pagowska would like to collaborate with local institutions and various communities in participatory projects during her stay in Blekinge.

  • Taavi Suisalu

    Taavi Suisalu

    Taavi Suisalu emphasizes the vital parts of the research and experiment oriented phase in artistic work during a residency in unknown territory, and it is something that A.I.R. Blekinge embraces during his residency period. “The escape from common routine and no stress of deadlines opens up and allows to follow directions not imagined otherwise.”.