Anna Estarriola

Anna Estarriola

I am interested in intuitively envisaged exchanges and interactions between the visual and media arts with other disciplines, such as dance, performing arts and technology. The themes of my work revolve around perception of reality, individual and communal behavior, and communication.

I am fascinated and disturbed by human beings, and mesmerized and puzzled by moving images, moving bodies and objects. I work with cross-disciplinary narrative structures that explore and question the union of content, medium and context.

Over the last years I have created media installation works combining sculptures and moving image with dance, dramaturgy, mechanics and electronics. I have also been directing performances, dance pieces and short film projects. Further I have worked in several internationally touring theater and dance productions as a video artist and performed as a dancer for other choreographers.

I hold Master of Fine Arts degrees from both the University of Barcelona, sculpture department (2004) and the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Time and Space department (2009). In addition, I have done studies on contemporary dance. I was born in Catalonia, and I have lived and worked in Helsinki since 2004. I have shown my work, solo projects or in collaborations with others, in galleries, theater stages and side specific locations in Catalonia, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Iceland, Japan, Norway and Sweden. In spring 2012, I received the Grant for Young Artists by the Finnish Art Association. In spring 2013, I received the half a year artistic working grant by the Finnish Cultural Foundation. In 2015, I received a one year artistic working grant by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland. In the autumn 2015 I received the AVEK Prize. From the beginning of 2016, I am working with a three years artist working grant also by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

The work produced by Anna Estarriola in the workshop of Kulturcentrum and in collaboration with actors, filmmakers, dressmakers were showed in the 8thTurku Biennial in Finland.

Anna Estarriola’s installation was shown in Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova 17 Nov 2017 to 8 Apr 2018.

In a sound proof room three characters attempt to communicate. The three preliminary prototypes represent hypothetical innovations as if yet to be released. They provide options for transpersonal existences and physical permanency. The characters are talking through abstract forms of audible language, pretending at the same time to be aware of themselves and the others. The installation stages tensions and distortions between reality and artificiality, subject and object, understanding and misunderstanding.

Anna Estarriola will have a solo exhibition at Kulturcentrum Ronneby konsthall during 2019.

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Anna Estarriola
Anna Estarriola
Anna Estarriola